Robert H. Sarkissian is a self-published author, satirist, poet, technical writer, and engineer. His first published works were a handful of poems in a couple of now defunct magazines in 1996. A "handful of poems" is a vague description, but it equals six, and a "couple of defunct magazines" actually equals four. Back in high school he wrote a satirical piece in English class, which the teacher read aloud for everybody because he thought it was the best in the class. After recovering from the embarrassment, he continued writing more satires over the years, and suddenly realized he had a book. And so he published Squibbed!: Satires and Other Oddities in 2010. The following year, he produced another book, this time a book of poetry entitled The Wind Coughed At Dawn. He continued writing sporadically until he had enough material for a sequel to his first book, which is called Packing Parachutes the Mini-Musical: And Other Strange Literary Concoctions, published in 2014. In 2017 he released another book of poetry called Pray for Five, Write for Five.
Since 1997 he has been webmaster of "Island of Freedom," a website that has been somewhat obsolete since Wikipedia came along, but has some charm as a sort of web encyclopedia that describes various theologians, philosophers, composers, artists, and poets in the Western canon. An offshoot website called "That Single Individual" is dedicated to philosopher Søren Kierkegaard. His website "Ground Loco II: The Sequel (Not the Movie!)" is an outlet for his satire, and much of the material on the site went into "Squibbed." He also designed the website for "Ohan Press".